technology utilization

英 [tekˈnɒlədʒi ˌjuːtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn] 美 [tekˈnɑːlədʒi ˌjuːtələˈzeɪʃn]

网络  技术使用; 技术应用



  1. A Primary Study of Playing Library Service Function by Information Network Technology Utilization
  2. Discussion on Some Problems of RTK Technology Utilization in Seismic Survey
  3. Study on the catalysts and new technology on utilization of pure oxygen and rich oxygen process andintensified reaction are reviewed.
  4. Through the innovation of technology, utilization rate of resource is effectively improved.
  5. With the raise of information technology's utilization, the information system auditing is most important in professional of CPA.
  6. Mathematical Model of Assessment Technology for Utilization of Iron Ore
  7. The research technology reasonable utilization to better serves the work, can fully express the positive sense which the artistry, the ideological nature has;
  8. Conversion Technology and Utilization of Biomass Energy(ⅰ)
  9. As to the license contract the law of the protecting country is in principle the law of proximate connection, but where there are several countries, the place of technology utilization is considered to be the protecting country.
  10. Nutritional Aspects of Faba Bean, its Processing Technology and Utilization
  11. Gas Adjustment Packing ( MAP) Technology and Utilization
  12. CO_2 and O_2 in Plant non-test Tube Quick Numerous Technology Utilization
  13. Recent Advances in Treating Molasses Wastewater by Physical chemical Technology and Utilization of Resources
  14. Extracting alumina from coal refuse, sintering cement clinker directly from residues and circulating waste gas and liquid is a unusual technology for utilization of coal refuse.
  15. Multimedia communication technology utilization in railway communication networks
  16. This paper expounds coal utilization efficiency in the production of chemical industry from the development of briquette, rational using of coal sline and coal gasification and briefly presents the general situation of the development of pyrolysis technology and utilization of solar energy for gasification abroad.
  17. In this paper a brief introduction is given to research work on quality of two kinds of alloy steels, gear steel of car and flat bars of die steel. Some major technology utilization and theoretical results of quality improvement developed in the work are also reported.
  18. According to the characteristics of petrochemical process of production, three link model divides energy applying process into energy exchange and transmission link, technology utilization link, and energy recovery link.
  19. A technology of utilization of fatty alcohol scrap
  20. Combined with production technology and utilization of abroad powdering equipment, a new high pressure rolling press has been developed at Shandong Magnesite Mine. It conquers the similar abroad equipment's shortcoming of complex structure, high price, strict machine abrasion and difficult repairing and replacing.
  21. Taking project of TOYOTA Motor of Tianjin as an example, the cleaner production of the automobile manufacturing is analysed from the advance of the production technology, utilization of energy and resources rationality, cleaning of products.
  22. Then the autor presented the prospects and the key technology of utilization of soilless culture substrates.
  23. Presently, physi-chemical technology and utilization of resources were mainly applied to Molasses wastewater treatment, however, either of them had disadvantages.
  24. On the new technology utilization of rainfall flood resources
  25. The high speed development of technology and utilization of the information technology has symbolized the arrival and formation of the knowledge economy, knowledge becomes the crucial resources of the economy growth, the social development as well as the enterprise growth.
  26. The article recommends and analyzes the source of information of employment on Internet, and presents the personal viewpoints about the contents and the technology of utilization of online information.
  27. There will be a great reduction of the cost to generate electricity from renewable energy resources as well, with development in technology and utilization and nationalization of large equipments.
  28. To contrast and analysis about the Chinese volleyball game board mainly technology utilization effect was researched by database of relevant data. At the same time, combination of training and match the actual needs, to research some important indexes and game winning relationship.
  29. Pollination control systems comprising of different fertility control genes are at present main technology for utilization of heterosis in crops.
  30. Technology utilization rate, forehand and backhand is the top utilization rate, the forehand attack side high utilization rate, interception, high pressure, put small ball technology utilization rate is very low.